Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Practices: Advice for internal packaging

Internal packaging advice for shipment protection.

From our research, we learnt that it is recommended to leave a space of at least 5cm between the outer container and the product being packed inside.This space serve the purpose to fill it up with cushion such as padding of some type, any substance from crumpled newspaper to old pieces of clothing to prevent vibration or compression.

If any form of damage happens, the cushion will help to reduce the impact. The cushion needs to be able to withstand the pressure caused by compression and can return to its initial form after the cargoes are being loaded and unloaded. The type and amount of cushion to be used depends mainly on the cargo weight and how brittle it is. Brittle cargoes should be packed and wrapped up in an even manner to prevent the cargoes to come in contact with each other which can cause damages.

Different types of cushioning are available, from loose "chips", "shreds" and "peanut" shaped materials to rolls of bubbled-plastic sheet.Loose cushioning is usually made out of very lightweight materials - it's used to fill in corners, keep the articles centred in the container and provide cushioning and shock absorption. It is clean and reusable but can be bulky to store. Most of the fillings available in the market are manufactured from recycled products. Avoid the use of polystyrene, as in many countries it is considered not to be environmentally friendly and it may be forbidden or fined at destination. Vegetable-based and biodegradable materials are preferred.Many materials found around the house can also be used - old newspapers, shredded clothes, cushion stuffing all make ideal cushioning.Bubble wrap is made of pockets of air distributed on a plastic film. It provides very good protection to shock, vibration and abrasion, as well as being lightweight and flexible.


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